FAKE NEWS: Democrat Super PAC Priorities USA Gave $1.5 Million To Buzzfeed In Last Weeks Of 2016 Election

Buzzfeed received $1.5 million from the top Democrat super PAC Priorities USA Action in the final weeks of the 2016 election, according to federal election reports. Priorities USA was Hillary Clinton’s most powerful PAC in her campaign against President Donald Trump. (h/t HRC’s Field Sobriety Test).

Buzzfeed is the news organization that ran the debunked Trump dossier and a false story about Michael Cohen that was disputed by Robert Mueller’s office.

Earlier today, Buzzfeed ran a puff piece on Priorities USA headlined “Democrats’ Top Super PAC Has Pledged Not To Use Hacked Material In The 2020 Campaign.”

Priorities USA Action gave Buzzfeed, Inc. a half million dollar digital ad buy on September 28, 2016, and a $1 million digital ad buy on August 4, 2016.

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